You are currently viewing Creative Easter Gift Idea: Cupcake Baking Kit in a DIY Apron Gift Bag

Creative Easter Gift Idea: Cupcake Baking Kit in a DIY Apron Gift Bag

This Easter, surprise your loved ones with a Cupcake Baking Kit that combines fun and creativity. Perfect for bakers of all ages, this gift includes everything needed to whip up festive cupcakes. All the cupcake supplies are packaged in a unique DIY apron gift bag. The baking tools fit into the front “apron” pocket.

To make assembly easy, we’ve included a free printable pocket and stencil for cutting out the sides of the gift bag.

Supplies for This Easter Baking Kit:

Here is everything you’ll need to recreate this exact gift, but feel free to customize it to your preference.

  • Gift bag – I used a white 10″x5″x12.6″ but you could use whatever bag you prefer. It looks more apron-esque with the stiff handle as opposed to gift bags with ribbon handles that don’t stand up.
DIY Easter gift idea, unique diy gift bag, easter baking gift, apron gift bag, easter diy ideas
  • Double sided tape or other adhesive to attach the pocket
  • Cardstock to print pocket – I use 110 lb weight cardstock for so many gift and holiday DIY’s and printables. It’s so useful to have on hand

To create the DIY apron gift bag, follow the tutorial in this video:

This Cupcake Baking Kit is not just a gift; it’s an invitation to create memories. Whether for family or friends, it’s a thoughtful way to celebrate the joy of baking together this Easter. 

Happy Easter!

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